3 Reasons To Ask For Reader Feedback

Today, I want to talk about reader feedback and reviews.

Your career as an author will make more money if your readers are happier. It’s not rocket science. But how do you keep your readers happy? How do you even know what they like or dislike about your books?

question marks on paper crafts
Photo by Olya Kobruseva on Pexels.com

Ask them.

I’m not talking about the reviews that readers post on retail sites after reading one of your books. Yes, these reviews are an important part of the sales algorithm, but it’s the reader feedback from your VIP readers, your mailing list, and Facebook groups that I’m focusing on today.

Check out my post about how book reviews on retail sites boost sales.

Asking for feedback can provide extremely valuable insight for your writing process as well as book sales. It’s common practice that businesses send out short surveys to customers asking for their feedback. Yes, both positive and negative is equally helpful. As an author, you ARE the business!

Feedback from your VIP list about your books can directly influence what changes you make, what traits you want to use more, and what elements need to stay exactly the same. You’ll have your finger on the pulse of what makes your target audience tick. This reader feedback is invaluable, and it doesn’t cost you anything to get.

Here are three reasons you should ask for reader feedback.

1. Learn what your readers like and don’t like 

3 Reasons to ask for Reader Feedback - Learn what your readers like and don't like

When you ask your readers to give you feedback, be it your books, series or future ideas, you’re going to learn what they like and don’t like. This information is extremely useful. If you know what’s working for your readers and what isn’t, you can tweak things to better serve them. For example, if you find out that there’s  a particular side character that fans love and connect to, you could open up a whole new spin-off book/series with them as the protagonist.

2. Make readers feel important and involved 

3 Reasons to ask for Reader Feedback - Readers feel important and involved

By asking for your VIP readers on your email list or in your Facebook group to provide you with feedback, you’re letting them know that you value their opinion, and you care about what they have to say. This builds loyalty and makes your readers feel important because you’re treating them as such—they feel involved in shaping your books.

3. Constantly improving your craft 

3 Reasons to ask for Reader Feedback - Comstantly improving your craft

You can consistently improve your books and keep them being the best they can be. If you’re consistently listening and seeking feedback, you always have a pulse on what’s working for your readers and what’s not. Ultimately, this will lead to better business, better sales, and a better reader experience (which starts the loop all over again!).

Are you ready for feedback about your stories and writing style?

There’s a lot to be gained from getting reader feedback and absolutely nothing to lose. All you have to do is ask!

No VIP readers or suitable email list? Read these helpful articles written by David Gaughran. https://davidgaughran.com/tag/email-for-authors/

Are you’re looking for someone to read your book and give you honest feedback? Check out my beta read or assessment services and get in touch!

About Kim

I'm Who Am I? I'm a woman of many talents and interests!! Of course, who isn't?! I've just had my 50th birthday, I live in England with one husband and two daughters. I own my own editing business (Brockway Gatehouse) while still working part-time as a Teaching Assistant at a local primary school.​ I love reading (obviously), listening to audiobooks, watching documentaries about the natural world and ancient history plus films of many genres.
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