Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Flora ~ the blogger behind Flora’s Musings

Hello everyone and welcome to The BG Blog. Today’s post is Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Flora the blogger behind Flora’s Musings.

In the last decade, there has been a self-publishing revolution as I discussed in my first Book Bloggers Unveiled post. I have a strong appreciation for the book blogging community and the part it plays. It’s obvious to me that book bloggers are a valuable marketing resource for any author wanting to self-publish their novels. Not only will they read your novel and write an honest review, but they’ll share their thoughts with their friends – they have hundreds of blogging friends.

Therefore, I’m using my voice to sing the praises of the humble book blogger. Today, it’s the lovely Flora @ Flora’s Musings. Flora has already written a couple of posts for The BG Blog and has kindly agreed to be my first victim participant of the Book Bloggers Unveiled series.

Hello Flora, thanks for joining us again and for agreeing to answer my questions about the life of a book blogger. Firstly, let’s find out a little bit about you.

Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Flora (Part 1)

Flora's Musings - Flora's Signature-3

Why Did You Start Blogging?

I just wanted an online space that allowed me to share more than a Tweet. Stuff that I found inspiring, and somewhere I could share my thoughts on what I was reading and watching. But also a place I could talk about subjects that were important to me.

What’s The Best Part About Being A Book Blogger?

You mean apart from authors and publishers sending me audiobooks to review? Lol! 😘 Well, I’d have to say the best bit is being part of a wonderful book blogging community. I’ve made some fabulous friends and have found so many new-to-me authors.

girl reading book on brown wooden table
Photo by cottonbro on

What Books Do You Read?


Are There Any Genres or Type of Books You Avoid?

I avoid stories where that protagonist is under 18.

Do You Have A Favourite Genre, Author, Series? Tell Us More.

I love paranormal romance and urban fantasy. My favourite author is Dianne Duvall, she’s got a few series – Immortal Guardians, The Gifted Ones, and Alderbarian Alliance. Each series could sit on a different genre shelf but they all have gritting plots with adventure and a romance weaved in.

Which Five Authors (Living or Dead) Would You Invite To Your Dinner Party? Tell Us Why.

person holding clear wine glass
Photo by cottonbro on

Dianne Duvall, Felicity Heaton, Teresa Gabelman, and Holly Bell of course because they’re all my favourite authors and I have a million questions I’d love to ask them. My blog’s review archive is full of their titles. But I’d also like to invite Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, apart from finding out how he devised his plots, I’d also like to know how he feels about all the TV and film adaptations of his books.

What’s The Worst Part About Being A Book Blogger?

I had to think about this one for a bit. I used to get stressed about the number of ARCs (Advanced Reader Copy) I had to read/review by a certain date. Having to read a book and wanting to can shift your emotional state. You get reading slumps, blogger burn-out, and flounder about like a fish out of water. However, this year I swapped to audiobooks and no longer have any deadlines. I’m much more relaxed.

Do You Have Any Hobbies Outside of Blogging? What Do You Do To Relax?

Listening to audiobooks is my happy place. Oh, and I like doing jigsaw puzzles, sudoku, and watching stuff on Sky or Netflix.

Tell Us Something That Your Existing Followers Don’t Know About You?

When I was a teenager, I used to write stories about The A-Team and Battlestar Galactica where I was the protagonist.

person holding white ceramci be happy painted mug
Photo by Lisa on

Thank you for sharing your innermost secrets with us Flora. Now, I’m even more excited to find out more about your book blog.

Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Flora (Part 2)

Flora's Musings - Blog Graphic

What’s Your Blog Called?

Flora’s Musings

How Long Have You Been a Book Blogger?

about 8 years

What Type Of Posts Can We Find On Your Blog?

Reviews, Lists, Blog Tours, Tags and memes

What is Your Favourite Type of Blog Post to Write?

I still love sharing my thoughts about the audiobooks I listen to.

How Long Does it Take You to Create a Post For Your Book Blog?

Not including the actual listening/reading, a good few hours. I have a regular format but I still have to organise my thoughts, create the graphics, add purchase links so my followers can buy it too.

What Are Your Top Three Favourite Blog Posts You’ve Written?

This is another tough question, Kim. It’s like choosing which of my kids I love the most! But I’ve found three that I enjoyed writing

What Has Been Your Proudest Blogging Moment To Date?

Easy, the first time I plucked up the courage to reach out to an author and ask if we could do a Q&A for my blog.

Flora Meets Maria Vale ~ author of The Legend of All Wolves series.

Do You Have Any Blogging Goals This Year? If You Do, Please Share Them With Us.

I’d love to get more followers, but I’m happy with the organic growth I’ve got going. It’s quality rather than quantity.

I couldn’t agree more, Flora. Quality always outweighs quantity in my mind. Thank you for sharing these insights into your blogging life with us.

I hope that you’ve found this post, Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Flora, as insightful as I did. I’m looking forward to unveiling another book blogger next month.

About Kim

I'm Who Am I? I'm a woman of many talents and interests!! Of course, who isn't?! I've just had my 50th birthday, I live in England with one husband and two daughters. I own my own editing business (Brockway Gatehouse) while still working part-time as a Teaching Assistant at a local primary school.​ I love reading (obviously), listening to audiobooks, watching documentaries about the natural world and ancient history plus films of many genres.
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7 Responses to Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Flora ~ the blogger behind Flora’s Musings

  1. I really enjoy visiting Flora’s blog. She’s a great inspiration to new book bloggers like me.

  2. Rosie Amber says:

    Being a member of the A team sounds good, Flora.

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