Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Jolie ~ the blogger behind Read with Me

Hello everyone and welcome to The BG Blog. Today’s post is Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Jolie the blogger behind Read with Me.

In the last decade, there has been a self-publishing revolution as I discussed in my first Book Bloggers Unveiled post. I have a strong appreciation for the book blogging community and the part it plays. It’s obvious to me that book bloggers are a valuable marketing resource for any author wanting to self-publish their novels. Not only will they read your novel and write an honest review, but they’ll share their thoughts with their friends – they have hundreds of blogging friends.

Therefore, I’m using my voice to sing the praises of the humble book blogger. Today, it’s the lovely Jolie @ Read with Me.

Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Jolie (Part 1)

Read With Me Blog Header

Hello Jolie, thanks for joining us. Firstly, let’s find out a little bit about you.

When & Why Did You Start Blogging?

I started blogging in 2008 on Blogger, switched to WordPress in 2010. I started blogging about book reviews in 2016 and haven’t looked back!!

What’s The Best Part About Being A Book Blogger?

The best part about being a book blogger is the book blogging community. I have met so many wonderful people in my years blogging.

women relaxing by the lake
Photo by Ron Lach on

What Books Do You Read?


Are There Any Genres or Type of Books You Avoid?

I avoid non-fiction, DIY, Self Help, Reference, Cookbooks, Nonfiction, Religion, and Children’s books.

Do You Have A Favourite Genre, Author, Series? Tell Us More.

I love dark fantasy. My favorite author is Anne Bishop and my favorite series is the Black Jewel Series. I had randomly picked up the first book in that series at Barnes and Noble back in the early 2000’s and loved it. It was a great introduction the dark fantasy.

Which Five Authors (Living or Dead) Would You Invite To Your Dinner Party? Tell Us Why.

I would invite Anne Bishop, Laurell K. Hamilton, Teresa Medieros, Julie Garwood, and VC Andrews. I would love to talk to them about their books and get to know them as people. I have a feeling that they would have some interesting tales to tell!!

person holding clear wine glass
Photo by cottonbro on

What’s The Worst Part About Being A Book Blogger?

The worst part about being a book blogger is that people sometimes can’t just read reviews and move on. I have been harassed via email because of some reviews that I have written. That led me to have my comments to be moderated (this person went into the comments too). I get that you like/dislike a book but not everyone is going to have the same opinion. To attack someone over that is not right.

Do You Have Any Hobbies Outside of Blogging? What Do You Do To Relax?

Yes, I do!! I love to cook, bake, watch TV, play online games, spend time with my husband and children, rescue stray cats, and attempt to garden. I also unplug on the weekends.

black handle knife with vegetables
Photo by Valeria Boltneva on

Tell Us Something That Your Existing Followers Don’t Know About You?

Hmmmm, let me think about this. I am extremely shy in real life. It takes a lot for me to warm up and talk to someone. But online, forget it. I can be a Chatty Cathy….lol.


Thank you for sharing your innermost secrets with us Jolie. Now, I’m even more excited to find out more about your book blog.

Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Jolie (Part 2)

Jolie Read With Me Facebook Banner Image

What’s Your Blog Called?

Read with Me

How Long Have You Been a Book Blogger?

5 years but I have been blogging for 13

What Type Of Posts Can We Find On Your Blog?

Reviews and Blog Tours

What is Your Favourite Type of Blog Post to Write?

I love to write book reviews.

book on a white wooden table
Photo by Ylanite Koppens on

How Long Does it Take You to Create a Post For Your Book Blog?

It takes me a long time, around 3-4 hours. I have 3 kids, a husband who works from home 2 days a week and get interrupted constantly.

Woah! I’m even more in awe, Jolie. Your time management is inspirational! 😍

Thank you for sharing these insights into your blogging life with us.

I hope that you’ve found this post, Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Jolie, as insightful as I did. I’m looking forward to unveiling another book blogger next month.

About Kim

I'm Who Am I? I'm a woman of many talents and interests!! Of course, who isn't?! I've just had my 50th birthday, I live in England with one husband and two daughters. I own my own editing business (Brockway Gatehouse) while still working part-time as a Teaching Assistant at a local primary school.​ I love reading (obviously), listening to audiobooks, watching documentaries about the natural world and ancient history plus films of many genres.
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3 Responses to Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Jolie ~ the blogger behind Read with Me

  1. Rosie says:

    Hello Jolie, lovely to meet you. Hopefully you’ve had more good experiences with authors than bad. It’s a shame that memories of the bad ones stay with us more than the good ones.

  2. Nice interview. I enjoy learning more about other bloggers. I’m also impressed she blogs with three kids and a husband at home!

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