Book Bloggers Unveiled – Meet Michael @ A Novel Chapter

Hello everyone and welcome to The BG Blog. Today’s post is Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Michael the blogger behind A Novel Chapter.

In the last decade, there has been a self-publishing revolution as I discussed in my first Book Bloggers Unveiled post. I have a strong appreciation for the book blogging community and the part it plays. It’s obvious to me that book bloggers are a valuable marketing resource for any author wanting to self-publish their novels. Not only will they read your novel and write an honest review, but they’ll share their thoughts with their friends – they have hundreds of blogging friends.

Therefore, I’m using my voice to sing the praises of the humble book blogger. Today, it’s the fabulous Michael @ A Novel Chapter.

Hello Michael, thanks for joining us. Firstly, let’s find out a little bit about you.

Michael Wilson Profile

What’s Your Name?

Michael Wilson

What’s Your Blog Called?

A Novel Chapter

How long have you been a book blogger and why did you start blogging?

I first created the blog in 2014 on Blogger but have only been really seriously pursuing it for about a year or so which is when I moved it to WordPress and onto it’s own domain. Initially I started it to become a better writer and also to potentially earn a some money on the side to my job but also have come to enjoy learning about new book releases and recommendations.

What Are The Best and Worst Parts About Being A Book Blogger?

The best part is I think when your content goes live and when I share it on social media and see the engagement with it. The worst part which is something which I initially struggled with was maintaining the flow of content – especially at the beginning as I wanted everything to go live straight away due to my own impatience but I’ve now learnt to schedule and plan content much further in advance.

photo of planner and writing materials
Photo by Bich Tran on

What Books Do You Read?

Happy to read most things as I read fiction and non-fiction books from most genres.

Are There Any Genres or Type of Books You Avoid?

None I avoid in particular but I generally don’t read many romance books just because I usually struggle to get through them.

Do You Have A Favourite Genre, Author, Series? Tell Us More.

I love Crime/Thriller, YA and Fantasy novels the most. I love a book with plenty of twists and turns that will keep me up reading far too late (though my boss in my day job probably doesn’t!) I also do loves books with escapism where I can forget about what is happening.

Some favourite Fantasy/YA series of mine are Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Noughts and Crosses. I also love The Millennium Trilogy, the Jack Reacher books by Lee Child. I also love Martina Cole‘s crime novels.

What Type Of Posts Can We Find On Your Blog?

Reviews, Lists, Discussions, Sometimes I do write personal non-book related articles as well such as if I’ve been on holiday.

What is Your Favourite Type of Blog Post to Write?

Discussion posts as I like sharing my thoughts on specific questions.

group of people reading book sitting on chair
Photo by Helena Lopes on

What Has Been Your Proudest Blogging Moment To Date?

It’s not really a blogging moment but I have also been working on my Bookstagram social media account for the last 12 months which I just passed 600 followers on so I am hoping to reach the 1,000 followers soon.

Also possibly my Top 5 Children’s Reads post as it my first collaborative post where I had a guest blogger and have had some comments on it as well.

What Are Your Top Three Favourite Blog Posts You’ve Written?

Traffic wise my top 3 posts over the last 90 days have been:

Which Five Authors (Living or Dead) Would You Invite To Your Dinner Party? Tell Us Why.

So that I can discuss there works it would have to be my top five authors so J.K Rowling, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Malorie Blackman, Roald Dahl and Lee Child.

I would love to discuss Harry Potter, Noughts and Crosses and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda and George’s Marvellous Medicine with Rowling, Blackman and Dahl. F. Scott Fitzgerald would also provide some jazzy 1920’s music I think and Lee Child can tell me about his next Jack Reacher book!

person holding clear wine glass
Photo by cottonbro on

Do You Have Any Hobbies Outside of Blogging? What Do You Do To Relax?

Probably my other two passions are fitness as like going to the gym and I’m also training to be a Zumba instructor and I also enjoy playing games – mostly action-adventure and story-driven ones such as Tomb Raider and Uncharted.

Tell Us Something That Your Existing Followers Don’t Know About You?

I don’t think I’ve told them about the Zumba before 🙂

Thank you for sharing your innermost secrets with us, Michael.

Now, let’s talk stats and find out some nitty-gritty blog details.

A Novel Chapter Logo

How Many Blog Followers Do You Have?

I don’t have a blog follow option on the site, on social media I have 612 Instagram, 64 on Twitter and 21 on Facebook.

How Many Monthly Visits, Likes and Comments Do You Get?

In the last three months I have had 48, 71 and 31. On Instagram I usually get around 10 likes per post though I have had two book meme posts which had 30 likes and 190 likes.

Social Media Likes

What Other Social Media Platforms Do You Use?

I use Instagram the most, I do have Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter accounts

Please Share Your Social Media Links Here

Do You Have Any Blogging Goals This Year? If You Do, Please Share Them With Us.

I would like to get to 100-200 visits per month consistently, also I am hoping to monetise it even if it is only a small amount. I also hope to get to the 1,000 Instagram followers then I will be looking at new strategies for each of the other platforms.

Photo by Lisa on

I hope that you enjoyed this post, Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Michael @ A Novel Chapter, as much as I did. Running a successful book blog obviously has its ups and downs, but I love Michael’s passion for reading and his community spirit. He’s a book blogging treasure! 💙

Do you follow Michael on any of his social media accounts? Please take a moment to visit his blog, A Novel Chapter and like, follow and comment on a few posts. And as a bonus, if you browse through his review archive, I’m sure you’ll find your next favourite read!

Next month, I’ll be unveiling another fantastic book blogger.

About Kim

I'm Who Am I? I'm a woman of many talents and interests!! Of course, who isn't?! I've just had my 50th birthday, I live in England with one husband and two daughters. I own my own editing business (Brockway Gatehouse) while still working part-time as a Teaching Assistant at a local primary school.​ I love reading (obviously), listening to audiobooks, watching documentaries about the natural world and ancient history plus films of many genres.
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