Here’s your Ultimate First Draft Checklist

Hello, 👋

A huge thank you for joining my email list. (And, of course, your free, downloadable Ultimate First Draft Checklist to help iron out all those first-draft-issues.)

You can start using your download immediately.


Why you’ll love this checklist

Here’s the truth. My author clients don’t want me to fix their manuscripts and leave it at that.

They want me to help them to improve their own writing skills.

So, after being a beta reader and editor since 2017, I’ve talked to a lot of writers about such problems as plot holes, character development, and writer’s block. And I’ve seen first-hand, the impact these issues can have on the saleability of a novel.

This handy checklist draws on these conversations. It brings together all my best advice on improving a first draft manuscript.

You can download it onto your phone or print it and stick it up by your writing desk.

Either way, you’ve now got some basic, practical steps you can take towards improving your first draft.

What’s next

Your download is a great little intro to Kim’s Cosy Bookworm Corner.

You can expect it to fly into your mailbox every so often, jam-packed with actionable advice to help you improve your writing.

So, until next time – don’t forget to download my free Ultimate First Draft Checklist so you can start improving your manuscript ready for the next stage.

Bye for now,


P.S. Hopefully my you found my Ultimate First Draft Checklist helpful. I’d love to know the one tip you found the most surprising or invaluable. Just hit reply – let me know – and I’ll get back to you.

Download my Ultimate First Draft Checklist now and start honing your story today!

For more helpful resources about the craft of writing, check out my Resource Library.

⬇️ Download your free checklist now! ⬇️

Image for Ultimate First Draft Checklist by Kim Brockway