Ultimate First Draft Checklist: Secrets to Bestseller Success

Are you in the process of writing your first novel? Have you taken part in NaNoWriMo this year? Do you have a first draft written and ready for the next stage?

🎉That’s fabulous! 🎉 You’re at the perfect stage to take advantage of my Ultimate First Draft Checklist 💙

⬇️ Keep Reading ⬇️

I understand how overwhelming it is to have so many answers available at the end of a google search. There are a never-ending supply of people offering new writers and indie authors advice about what the rules of the wordsmith are. Some even seem to contradict one another! And that’s the thing, as a qualified editor myself and self-confessed bookworm, I’ve learned that these often touted rules are in fact only guidelines and opinions; they shouldn’t be followed blindly.

Good guidance helps you to improve your skills and gives you the tools you need to write great stories.

So, with that in mind, I’ve complied my Ultimate First Draft Checklist to help you assess your manuscript.

I cover the 6 core aspects of any story:

  • Opening Scene/First Chapter
  • Characters and Dialogue
  • Plot and Conflict
  • Flow and Pacing
  • Setting and World-building
  • Writing Style

The questions on my checklist ultimately get you to answer the big question: Is my manuscript a best seller?

…are you ready?

Receive my Ultimate First Draft Checklist now and start honing your story today!

⬇️ Get your free checklist now! ⬇️

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For more helpful resources about the craft of writing, check out my Resource Library.