Tag Archives: grammar
4 Grammar Myths Busted!
In the world of proofreading, grammar myths abound. These are typically presented as ‘rules’. Overzealous pedants may therefore try to correct things that are not actually mistakes. But skilled editors and proofreaders will only make changes when they are necessary. To help … Continue reading
Posted in the craft of writing
Tagged grammar, SPaG, The BG Blog, writing, Writing Advice, Writing Tips
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SPaG: Affect or Effect – 3 tricks to remember which to use💡
Hello, welcome back. Do you struggle to know whether to use “affect” or “effect” in your writing? Are you tired of giving up and using “impact” instead? Woohoo! Fantastic! I can help with that because today, I’m going to let … Continue reading
Posted in the craft of writing
Tagged grammar, homophones, life hacks, SPaG, spelling, The BG Blog, the craft of writing, writing, Writing Advice, Writing Tips
Grammar: 10+ of the Most Common Mix-Ups that Spellcheck Could Miss
There are lots of programs available to help us when it comes to writing. However, English is a confusing language to master and even when we use programs like MS Spell Check mix-ups can still occur. English is a living … Continue reading
Posted in the craft of writing
Tagged grammar, life hacks, SPaG, spelling, The BG Blog
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