How do you become a professional beta reader?

Hello everyone.Kim has asked me to write a post for The BG Blog today. I’ve decided to share my secrets about being a paid beta reader.

I get asked lots of questions about being a beta reader. One of the most common is how did I manage to turn my hobby into a business? 😉 It’s every bookworm’s dream to get paid to read books, right?!

Independent British author, Holly Bell, asked that very question when she interviewed me for her blog on 9th November 2019.

Don’t have time to read the interview now? No problem…

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As you’ll see, it didn’t happen overnight. But then nothing worthwhile ever does, does it?

Could You Be A Pro Reader? – Flora Gatehouse Tells How She Did It

Dear Readers,

Could you? Ever thought about it? Someone ever told you that you could do this professionally?

train on viaduct - journey to becoming a beta reader

What? Make the transition from reader to beta reader to reviewer/blogger to pro beta reader to editor. That’s quite a journey, you’re thinking? You’re a reader, so you’ve made a start. But would it be possible to turn your favourite hobby into something that actually generates income? Well, here is someone who’s done it.

It is my privilege to interview my treasured editor, who has been with the Amanda Cadabra books from the very beginning, Flora Gatehouse, pro beta reader and literary enthusiast:

Flora, I think, people who don’t write at all would like to know how you became a book reviewer.

I have always loved books; I remember as a child reading anything I could get my hands on and that love of reading has stayed with me all the way into adulthood. I’m not quite sure how I became a bona fide book reviewer though. I have always waxed lyrical about my favourite reads to my family and friends, hoping to encourage them to read one book or another. I love it when someone reads and enjoys a book that I suggested; it’s quite a thrill. I eventually decided to use my blog, to put pen to paper, as it were, and put my thoughts and suggestions out there. I have been writing book reviews in increasing frequency over the last four years and have even written a post about it – How Do I Start? – that gives some basic pointers and highlights the questions that I ask myself when I write reviews.

Green winged elf in long green dress in woodland. Text: Flora's Musings

How do you know what books to read?

It may sound obvious but I read the books that I think I’ll enjoy. I’m persuaded by the front cover, the blurb on the back and the general opinions about the story that I find on Amazon and Of course, if I’ve read other books by that same author and enjoyed them, I’m already halfway sold on it. Reading is my hobby and my passion, so I want to reduce the odds of the book I pick up, not being to my taste by avoiding genres, themes and authors I’ve read in the past that weren’t my cup of tea.

How do you decide what is good?

Lol! That’s a loaded question, Holly. Deciding what is “good” is a wholly subjective thing. Many of my fellow book bloggers have recently decided to stop “rating” books as everyone’s idea of what is good (or not) is different. For me, I’m looking at the way the story is told as well as the story itself, for example, I don’t like it when the flow is stunted by too many things that a good editor would pick up (spelling, grammar, punctuation, plot holes, inconsistencies, etc), I hate it when a book ends on a perilous cliff-hanger and I always want to be emotionally connected to the protagonists; I wrote a post about some of my expectations regarding the leading female character too (OK, it might have been a bit of a rant, actually so, sorry in advance). If a book can make me laugh, cry and hold my breath, then I’m going to enjoy it more and rate it higher; I want to be swept away and drawn into the adventure.

How do you separate whether it’s your sort of book or not from its worth as a literary work?

fountain pen on handwritten page and rose petal in soft purple light - meaning: beta reader choosing between literature and likeable

That’s a tough one. The definition of literary work is a written piece of art but what is art? I don’t think it’s my job to decide whether a book is a literary work or not. My job as a book reviewer is all about giving other readers my opinion about the story, to help them decide whether a particular book is their sort of thing. As a beta reader, my job of reviewing a book has a slightly different directive; as well as my opinion about whether I liked the story as a whole, I’m also giving the author a detailed critique about every aspect of their unpublished manuscript.

How do you become a professional beta reader? What is that? What criteria do you use?

A beta reader is someone who reads an unreleased work of literature or other writing, who gives feedback from the point of view of an average reader to the author (similar to beta testing in software). The feedback is used by the writer to fix remaining issues with plot, pacing and consistency. Many authors send their manuscript off for beta reading so that they can gain some unbiased insight; ensuring that their book is well suited for readers, is conveying the right message and is enjoyable to read before they move on to final editing or publishing.

I almost fell into beta reading by accident, although looking back it does feel like a natural transition.

As I mentioned before, over the last 5 years I have been reviewing books that I’ve bought or been given by family and friends, but I have also been given ARCs (Advanced Reader Copy) from publishers and authors in exchange for my reviews. The combination of my passion for reading, attention to detail and my skill set developed as a teaching assistant, has led to my hobby developing into a service that I offer authors.

Text: Flora's Beta Reading Service. woman's hand writing in book on bent knees, in jeans, grass in background.

I charge a fee for my beta reading service but what do I do to earn it?

Well, as I have already mentioned, as a beta reader I complete a detailed feedback report answering thirty questions about an author’s manuscript. I have arranged these questions into seven specific areas; opening scene, characters & dialogue, plot & conflict, flow & pacing, setting & world-building, writing style and overall impression. Answering these in-depth questions gives an author a comprehensive analysis of their story but if they’d also like to know which scenes made me cry, chuckle or shiver in fear, I offer also offer in-line comments as an additional service. In-line comments are when I write my immediate thoughts, feelings and comments directly into their manuscript using MS Word Comment.

What are your top 2 favourite books?

Pile of three books on table with apple and metal pot of yellow flowers

Lol! Holly, I can’t answer that! It’s like asking me who in my family I love the most!  What I will tell you is what my favourite genres are. In my long history of reading, I’ve read everything from the classics to horror to historical romances to science fiction and loved them. Since getting my first Kindle in 2013, my reading passion has been firmly rooted in the paranormal romance, urban fantasy and cosy paranormal mystery genres. As a cosy paranormal mystery writer yourself, Holly, you are one of my favourite authors; Angie Fox, Victoria DeLuis and Kristen Painter being on that exclusive list too.

Please keep writing!

Thank you for wanting to interview me, Holly, for your blog, it’s not often that I sit this side of the table.  I hope that your readers enjoyed it as much as I did. The book blogging community is a wonderful place, full of supportive, kind-hearted souls who love talking about books. If any of your readers were thinking about reviewing the books they read or starting their own book blog, I can’t recommend it enough. I’ve made some amazing friends, met some awesome authors and I’ve loved every minute of it; I can’t imagine my life without it.

Bye for now and happy reading.

Thank you, Flora, that was inspiring. And what a lovely compliment! We can follow Flora on

A writer? Yes, why not. I’ll tell you how I got from editor to writer. But that’s a story for another day! Perhaps next time, when I’ll be back with news of a new video and plans for a special Christmas event or two.

Happy reading,

Holly Bell

It certainly felt strange being the interviewee rather than the interviewer. However, Holly is so lovely that the whole experience was enjoyable and one that I feel comfortable repeating. If you have any questions about what beta reading is or how to be one, please drop me a line.

I love being a professional beta reader and have met some wonderful people in the book blogging and writing communities. I recommend it wholeheartedly to anyone with a passion for great stories.

Before you go, don’t forget to check out the different beta reading services that Kim offers.

Bye for now,


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