Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Wendy ~ The lovely blogger behind The Bashful Bookworm

Hello everyone and welcome to The BG Blog. Today’s post is Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Wendy the blogger behind The Bashful Bookworm. But first…

What is Book Blogger Unveiled?

In the last decade, there has been a self-publishing revolution as I discussed in my first Book Bloggers Unveiled post. I have a strong appreciation for the book blogging community and the part it plays. It’s obvious to me that book bloggers are a valuable marketing resource for any author wanting to self-publish their novels. Not only will they read your novel and write an honest review, but they’ll share their thoughts with their friends – they have hundreds of blogging friends.

Therefore, I’m using my voice to sing the praises of the humble book blogger. Today, it’s the lovely Wendy @ The Bashful Bookworm.

Hello Wendy, thanks for joining us. Firstly, let’s find out a little bit about you.

Book blogger Wendy W.

Why Did You Start Blogging?

After I retired, I wanted to read more books, and get involved in the book community

What’s The Best Part About Being A Book Blogger?

The book community is the best part of being a book blogger.

What Books Do You Read?


Are There Any Genres or Type of Books You Avoid?

Although I can appreciate the skill and technique it takes to write these books, I don’t like to read horror, poetry, erotica, or children’s books.

Do You Have A Favourite Genre, Author, Series? Tell Us More.

Wendy's favourite read - Virgin River Series by Robyn Carr
(image from Goodreads)

My preference is to read women’s fiction and romance. However, I also read some cozy mysteries, historical fiction, and light paranormal romance. I loved the Virgin River series by Robyn Carr, and have read all 20+ books, some many times over. I read mostly for pure entertainment, and I don’t like to read books that are too deep or literary.

Which Five Authors (Living or Dead) Would You Invite To Your Dinner Party? Tell Us Why.

Colleen Hoover, Nora Roberts, Taylor Jenkins Reid, Christina Lauren (actually 2 people, but I can find an extra chair somewhere!😂 ) and Kristan Higgins.

Nora Roberts because she is the queen of romance. Her books were what drew me to the genre in the first place. Colleen Hoover because she writes the most emotional books ever. Taylor Jenkins Reid because her books are unique, emotional and gripping. Christina Lauren writes with a combination of humor and emotion that just makes for a happy book. Kristan Higgins, also writes books with that perfect balance of humor and emotion, with well developed characters.

What’s The Worst Part About Being A Book Blogger?

It’s a lot of work. I manage that by reading and reviewing books as far ahead of time as possible, and schedule most of my blog posts about 4 weeks out. Especially my review posts.

Do You Have Any Hobbies Outside of Blogging? What Do You Do To Relax?

woman standing on a cliff taking selfie
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on

I like to hike and camp. I live in Northern Arizona, and have National Forests and The Grand Canyon close by.

Tell Us Something That Your Existing Followers Don’t Know About You?

My two children who are grown now, are Korean. We adopted them as babies, and they are the love and light of my life.

Where Else Can We Find You? Please Share Your Social Media Links.

female friends browsing smartphone on lawn

Thank you for sharing your innermost secrets with us Wendy.

Now, I’m even more excited to find out more about your book blog.

small new bashful logo[364]

What’s Your Blog Called?

The Bashful Bookworm

How Long Have You Been a Book Blogger?

10 months

What Type Of Posts Can We Find On Your Blog?

Reviews, Lists, Blog tours.

What is Your Favourite Type of Blog Post to Write?

TopTenTuesday-newlogo-768x308 That Artsy Reader Girl

My favorite post to write is the Top Ten Tuesday. It always makes me think.

How Long Does it Take You to Create a Post For Your Book Blog?

Twenty minutes for a simple review post, and about an hour for the wrap up posts, or the top ten posts.

What Are Your Top Three Favourite Blog Posts You’ve Written?

What Has Been Your Proudest Blogging Moment To Date?

This is hard for me to answer. I’m proud of my blog, and how it’s growing every day.

Do You Have Any Blogging Goals This Year? If You Do, Please Share Them With Us.

I want to continue my streak of a blog post every single day. I would like to do more discussion posts so I can interact more with my audience.

group of people reading book sitting on chair
Photo by Helena Lopes on

I hope that you enjoyed this post, Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Wendy, as much as I did. Running a successful book blog obviously has its ups and downs, but I love Wendy’s passion for reading and her community spirit. She’s a book blogging treasure! 💙

Do you follow Wendy on any of her social media accounts? Please take a moment to visit her blog, The Bashful Bookworm and like, follow and comment on a few posts. And as a bonus, if you browse through her review archive, I’m sure you’ll find your next favourite read!

Next month, I’ll be unveiling another fantastic book blogger.

About Kim

I'm Who Am I? I'm a woman of many talents and interests!! Of course, who isn't?! I've just had my 50th birthday, I live in England with one husband and two daughters. I own my own editing business (Brockway Gatehouse) while still working part-time as a Teaching Assistant at a local primary school.​ I love reading (obviously), listening to audiobooks, watching documentaries about the natural world and ancient history plus films of many genres.
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4 Responses to Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Wendy ~ The lovely blogger behind The Bashful Bookworm

  1. Wendy says:

    Thank you very much for the highlight, Kim!

  2. Rosie says:

    Great to learn more about Wendy. I love the Grand Canyon area, would love to go back one day.

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