Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Rosie ~ the blogger behind Rosie Amber

Hello everyone and welcome to The BG Blog. Today’s post is Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Rosie the blogger behind Rosie Amber.

In the last decade, there has been a self-publishing revolution as I discussed in my first Book Bloggers Unveiled post. I have a strong appreciation for the book blogging community and the part it plays. It’s obvious to me that book bloggers are a valuable marketing resource for any author wanting to self-publish their novels. Not only will they read your novel and write an honest review, but they’ll share their thoughts with their friends – they have hundreds of blogging friends.

Therefore, I’m using my voice to sing the praises of the humble book blogger. Today, it’s the lovely Rosie @ Rosie Amber.

Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Rosie (Part 1)

Rosie B&W Soft

Hello Rosie, thanks for joining us. Firstly, let’s find out a little bit about you.

Why Did You Start Blogging?

I started blogging to combine a love of reading with a desire to embrace social technology; since then it’s developed into a passion to introduce avid readers to new writers, and offer a platform for little-known talent.

What’s The Best Part About Being A Book Blogger?

Creating a place where readers can discover exciting new books. Talking to writers and readers and that special moment when someone says ‘I have just bought that book after reading your review.’

women relaxing by the lake
Photo by Ron Lach on

What Books Do You Read?

I read both fiction and non-fiction

Are There Any Genres or Type of Books You Avoid?

I prefer not to read horror, political works, high fantasy, scifi, poetry and short stories.

books in black wooden book shelf
Photo by Pixabay on

Do You Have A Favourite Genre, Author, Series? Tell Us More.

Yes, several! I will just mention a few.

  • Historical fiction – I really enjoy Kate Quinn’s war themed stories, I like anything realistic and gritty from either World War, especially if it is resistance themed.
  • Historical romance – I’m quite happy reading Mills and Boon/ Harlequin romance. A few of my current favourite authors are Virginia Heath, Janice Preston, Annie Burrows and Marguerite Kaye.
  • For contemporary adult romance I will read anything by Melissa Foster and I do enjoy a sports romance which tend to fit the new adult genre.
  • I like an action adventure and will read any Scott Mariani story, I recently read an indie author in this genre whose book was good too; Jenks by Barney Burrell.
  • I enjoy urban fantasy and can recommend books by Debra Dunbar, Kalayna Price and Kirsten Weiss.
  • This then crosses to the paranormal genre with books by India R Adams, Melissa Haag and Sarah Addison Allen.
  • While I’m going down my list, I like young adult stories too and would like to mention Joy Jenkins, Kylie Scott and Margot de Klerk.

Which Five Authors (Living or Dead) Would You Invite To Your Dinner Party? Tell Us Why.

person holding clear wine glass
Photo by cottonbro on

Ooh a dinner party, that’s a thing of dreams with another Covid induced Lockdown looming! I’d actually like to host a dinner for some of the authors that I have built a great book relationship with: Reily Garrett (author of romantic suspense Moonlight and Murder stories), Marguerite Kaye (author of many Historical romances most recently the joint author of Her Heart For A Compass with Sarah, Duchess Of York), Virginia Heath (Historical romance author of many books; The Wild Warriners were some of my favourites), Kimberly Wenzler (contemporary author of Seasons Out Of Time) and Chris Bridge (His war story Back Behind Enemy Lines was brilliant).

What’s The Worst Part About Being A Book Blogger?

One of the most challenging parts is creating interesting content on multiple platforms to keep your audience entertained and to gain additional genuine followers.

Do You Have Any Hobbies Outside of Blogging? What Do You Do To Relax?

I like baking although I look on a recipe as a guide rather than something which I must follow! I also enjoy gardening. In the last two years I have been growing more and last year I created a kitchen garden.

green parsley seedlings on marble table
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Tell Us Something That Your Existing Followers Don’t Know About You?

I come from a farming background and I have a cow named after me, although she is can be quite awkward at times, so I hope I’m nothing like her!

Thank you for sharing your innermost secrets with us Rosie. Now, I’m even more excited to find out more about your book blog.

Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Rosie (Part 2)

What’s Your Blog Called?

Rosie Amber

How Long Have You Been a Book Blogger?

10 years

What Type Of Posts Can We Find On Your Blog?

Although it is mainly book reviews we do a few other posts including advice posts. See (

What is Your Favourite Type of Blog Post to Write?

This would be a review of a book that I enjoyed so much that I can’t wait to share it with others.

book on a white wooden table
Photo by Ylanite Koppens on

How Long Does it Take You to Create a Post For Your Book Blog?

Excluding the time to read the book and write the review, probably about 20 minutes as I keep to a format.

What Are Your Top Three Favourite Blog Posts You’ve Written?

I have a lovely team of reviewers who help me review and between us we have written some popular posts:

What Has Been Your Proudest Blogging Moment To Date?

Creating a successful team of book reviewers has been brilliant. They come from all over the world and I have even met up with some of them.

new round Rosie's Book Review Team #RBRT

Back in July 2020, we celebrated 6 years of the review team with our top 14 books. Here’s a link to the first post:

Where Else Can We Find You? Please Share Your Social Media Links.

Find me on Twitter @rosieamber1 My review team and I created the popular hashtag #TuesdayBookBlog for anyone who has a book-related blog post that they post on a Tuesday. We help to share as many as we can each week.

Why does RBRT love #TuesdayBookBlog ?(

I am also on Instagram @therosieamber and of course my book blog

Do You Have Any Blogging Goals This Year? If You Do, Please Share Them With Us.

I am always ready to learn new things which will help to continue to grow the blog and the social media platform connected with it. Reaching new followers and communicating with them to make them feel a part of our group is something that I would like to do more of.

I couldn’t agree more, Rosie. Every day is an opportunity to learn and using new skills to help grow your platform sounds like a wonderful goal to have. Thank you for sharing these insights into your blogging life with us.

I hope that you’ve found this post, Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Rosie, as insightful as I did. Running a successful book blog and a team of reviewers obviously has its ups and downs, but Rosie’s passion for the written word shines through every page of her site.

Do you follow Rosie Amber already? Please take a moment to visit Rosie’s blog, like, follow and comment on a few posts. And as a bonus, if you browse through her review archive, I’m sure you’ll find your next favourite read!

I’ll be sharing more information about her review team later this month, but you can find reviews from Rosie Amber and Rosie’s Book Review Team on my Twitter feed all month.

Next month, I’ll be unveiling another fantastic book blogger.

About Kim

I'm Who Am I? I'm a woman of many talents and interests!! Of course, who isn't?! I've just had my 50th birthday, I live in England with one husband and two daughters. I own my own editing business (Brockway Gatehouse) while still working part-time as a Teaching Assistant at a local primary school.​ I love reading (obviously), listening to audiobooks, watching documentaries about the natural world and ancient history plus films of many genres.
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46 Responses to Book Bloggers Unveiled: Meet Rosie ~ the blogger behind Rosie Amber

  1. frankfurt says:

    Helⅼo, I enjoy reading through your ɑrticle.
    I like to write a little comment to support

  2. Rosie helped me quite a bit when I was first starting my review blog. She’s always there for advice or just a chat through emails. She’s great!

  3. Liz Lloyd says:

    As a member of Rosie’s book review team I am constantly introduced to new indie writers I really appreciate. Rosie works hard to creatively spread the word about quality writing.

  4. Alex Craigie says:

    Thanks for this, Kim! I know how supportive Rosie is to Indie writers and it was really lovely to learn so much more about her here.

  5. What a lovely interview, Kim. I’m flattered that Rosie thinks I am among a brilliant group of book reviewers! I’ve learned a lot about reviewing books from this group and and also have learned not to be anxious about reviewing a book in an unfamiliar genre (steampunk for example). I count the members of Rosie’s team, and of course Rosie herself, as some of my best blogging buddies.

    • Rosie Amber says:

      We are brilliant, Noelle, but only because you all read so many of the books!

    • Kim says:

      Thank you, Noelle. Rosie seems to know her stuff, so if she calls you one of her brilliant reviews then that’s what you are!
      It sounds as though Rosie’s team is a fantastic community to be a part of.

  6. Grow at into review! I am also a member of Rosie’s team – having joined in late 2020. Rosie has always been extremely supportive as I learned how to be a book blogger!!

  7. Georgia Rose says:

    What a super post! It’s lovely to find out a bit more about you Rosie. 😀

  8. Robbie Cheadle says:

    HI Kim, how lovely to see Rosie here. I am one of her book reviewers and I have discovered some great authors through her club. I enjoyed this interview very much. My mother also has a cow named after her or maybe she was named after the cow, I’m not sure, but I know she doesn’t like her name. I take about 45 minutes to write a book review and about 20 minutes to put a post together.

    • Rosie Amber says:

      Thank you Robbie. Being a farmer’s daughter I have had several cow related nick names over the years. I’d say those times for writing and posting a review are good.

    • Kim says:

      Hi Robbie. Rosie has written a post about the book review team which will go live in a couple of weeks.
      I think it’d safer to say the cow was named after your mum.

  9. Sherry Chancellor says:

    Great interview. I enjoyed it.

  10. I follow Rosie too. If you’re ever stuck about what to read next, Rosie’s blog is the place to go. You’re bound to find a story that draws your interest. She’s also a great supporter of self-published authors too.

  11. Nice post Kim. I went and followed Rosie on all her platforms. It sounds like a great blog with lots of great reviews. Thanks!

  12. Louisa says:

    I think it’s lovely that you take the time to appreciate Book Bloggers. It’s really nice getting to know new people!

  13. Thanks, Kim, for sharing this lovely interview. I’m another one of the members of Rosie’s team, and she is great at discovering new authors, and many of them have become new favourites for me. I know authors appreciate her work, and as a big reader, I always discover new books I might never have found out about thanks to book bloggers.

    • Kim says:

      Hi Olga, thanks for visiting. Rosie is a star in the book blogging community. But thank you too for your insatiable reading habit. I can visit your blog now.

    • Rosie Amber says:

      Thank you Olga, a good team is made of of great members and you have been a solid team member since you joined us, long may it continue.

  14. Cathy says:

    As one of Rosie book reviewers I can say she does a stellar job uniting authors and readers and running a very successful blog.

  15. Rosie Amber says:

    Thank you Kim, what a wonderful post you have created from my replies to your questions.

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